The area is home to a diverse collection of recognized, as well as emerging, firms that provide various career pathways and occupational opportunities.

With an impressive track record for cultivating the growth of privately held and publicly traded companies, the area provides an eclectic array of career options for primary and secondary wage earners alike.

From cutting-edge, university R&D arrangements to assembling the critical pieces that position a business for gazelle growth or fulfilling a limited-term contracted service, there are plenty of talent and skill set match-making choices. Regardless if the industry sector is entering a maturation phase; emerging in response to domestic or international market demands; or simply transitioning into its next development cycle, the career opportunities that exist locally or regionally cover the spectrum.

In terms of occupational and career opportunities, the following categories are consistently associated with the most job openings throughout the region: Computer & Mathematical Occupations, Education & Training Occupations, Healthcare Practitioners & Technical Occupations, Management Occupations, Manufacturing / Production Occupations, Office & Administrative Support Occupations, Sales & Related Occupations and Transportation & Material Moving Occupations. 

These postings mirror the national employment projections data, which notes how many of the in-demand occupations are aligned within these major occupational categories. 

That’s why the area has an active career preparation and readiness engagement strategy - anchored by the Inspire Madison Region and powered by Xello (formerly known as Career Cruising) - to accelerate the exposure and related knowledge, as well as the sustainability, of these occupations regionally. 

people exploring career information